Sylex Titan Blue/Lime/Charcoal


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Titan Chair 

Price from : $42 -$69

   Features and Specifications


­   10 year warranty

­   Complies with the latest European standards relating to ergonomics- EN1729

­   Made from virgin polypropylene

­   3 colour options

­   160kg weight rating (T6 size)

­   Can be stacked up to 12 high

­   5 sizes available

­  Generally available ex stock


      Part Number


        Product Name/Description Ages Grade/Year Colour Notes


FSTITAN310CH Titan chair size 2 3-5 years old Pre-school Charcoal Assembled
FSTITAN310BL Titan chair size 2 3-5 years old Pre-school Blue Assembled
FSTITAN310LM Titan chair size 2 3-5 years old Pre-school Lime Assembled
FSTITAN350CH Titan chair size 3 5-7 years old 1 & 2 Charcoal Assembled
FSTITAN350BL Titan chair size 3 5-7 years old 1 & 2 Blue Assembled
FSTITAN350LM Titan chair size 3 5-7 years old 1 & 2 Lime Assembled
FSTITAN380CH Titan chair size 4 7-9 years old 3 & 4 Charcoal Assembled
FSTITAN380BL Titan chair size 4 7-9 years old 3 & 4 Blue Assembled
FSTITAN380LM Titan chair size 4 7-9 years old 3 & 4 Lime Assembled
FSTITAN430CH Titan chair size 5 9-13 years old 5 & 6, Intermediate Charcoal Assembled
FSTITAN430BL Titan chair size 5 9-13 years old 5 & 6, Intermediate Blue Assembled
FSTITAN430LM Titan chair size 5 9-13 years old 5 & 6, Intermediate Lime Assembled
FSTITAN460CH Titan chair size 6 13+ years old Senior/Adult Charcoal Assembled
FSTITAN460BL Titan chair size 6 13+ years old Senior/Adult Blue Assembled
FSTITAN460LM Titan chair size 5 13+ years old Senior/Adult Lime Assembled


Year Level Table Height Tub Depth Chair Height Leg Space
Pre-school 560mm 120mm 310mm 90mm
Year 1 & 2 585mm 120mm 350mm 115mm
Year 3 & 4 635mm 120mm 380mm 135mm
Year 5,6 & Intermediate 685mm 120mm 430mm 135mm
Senior/Adult 710mm 120mm 460mm 130mm



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